If you are shortly due to set off for University for the first time, it should be one of the most exciting…
The recession has hit everyone hard, particularly in the world of business and entertainment. During such times people tend to turn to…
Noise Can Affect Us In Many Different Ways Noise can affect people in many different ways. It can affect us emotionally, psychologically…
Many people find the idea of making their home soundproof an unnecessary evil without fully considering the huge number of benefits it…
There are many different reasons why you may want to soundproof a home. It may be because you are being regularly disturbed…
Noise emanates from all around us regardless of our environments! Whether you are sat at home, at work or out in the…
Don’t exclude yourself from your community If you live in a close knit community it makes life much easier for everyone if…
Sources Of Noise There are many sources of noise that come from both within the home and outside the home. Indoors it…
Our New Website As you may have noticed the all new Acoustic Supplies website has now gone live. The change has been…
Why Should you soundproof? We live in a noisy world. There are many sources of noise pollution around us and each of…
Don’t let this happen to you! Peterborough Today has reported that a noisy neighbour in Bath, who played Michael Jackson albums continually…
Don’t Let It Happen to You The Daily Post North Wales has detailed how a noisy neighbour has been kicked out of…