Acoustic Supplies

tel: 01204 548400


17 January 2013

JCW Group Launches Specialist Supplies Division

JCW Specialist Supplies Using the JCW Group’s traditional strengths in sourcing, manufacturing and logistics, JCW Specialist Supplies is rapidly becoming a major…

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Sound absorbing acoustic soundproofing

JCW Acoustic Supplies – A UK Leader In Soundproofing And Sound Absorption

Once again, this part of the business can attribute its’ birth to the legislation in Approved Document E of the Building Regulations…

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calm home
16 January 2013

For A Quieter Home Try Soundproofing

We All Like Some Peace And Quiet When at home you treasure a little bit of peace and tranquillity, but finding it…

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silence noise in your home - mute button
14 January 2013

Let Acoustic Supplies Silence Disruption In Your Home

Don’t Let Noise In Your Home Have A Negative Affect On Your Home Noise disruption in the home can create a whole…

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All around sound
17 December 2012

From Ceiling To The Ground, Block All Round Sound

We Are Surrounded By Constant Noise Unless you are fortunate enough to be able to retreat to a rural part of the…

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peace and quiet
6 December 2012

Only The Best Acoustic Supplies Can Bring Peace And Quiet

Noise Pollution Can Be Damaging Noise pollution can be exceptionally damaging for peoples health and failure to take the right action can…

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Noisy neighbour problems
26 November 2012

Blighted By Noisy Neighbours? Try Soundproofing Your Home

Noisy Neighbours Can Annoy All Of Us There are few things that are quite as annoying as inconsiderate noisy neighbours. You expect…

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silence your noisy neighbour man covering ears from sound
20 November 2012

Silence Your Noisy Neighbours With Acoustic Supplies

Noisy Neighbours Are A Nationwide Issue Type the words noisy neighbours into the news pages of any major news-based site and you…

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acoustic soundproofing barrier
14 November 2012

Enclose Your Home Away From Noise With A Sound Barrier

We All Need Some Peace And Quiet After a busy and stressful day at work there is nothing like being able to…

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Have a quiet christmas with Acoustic Supplies
5 November 2012

T’is The Season To Soundproof

Don’t Let Neighbours Ruin Your Christmas We are fast approaching the party season and for those not involved it can make some…

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dog soundproof
22 October 2012

Every Dog Has Its Day When They Soundproof Their Home

Don’t Let Your Neighbours Pets Ruin Your Peace And Quiet Imagine you are sitting at home craving a little bit of peace…

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Hotel sleeping
16 October 2012

Buy Soundproofing Then Keep Calm And Carry On

Noise Is All Around Us Trying to get away from noise nowadays is a near impossible task. There are so many different…

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