Acoustic Supplies

JCW Acoustic Supplies

JCW Planet Promise

Our Commitment to a Sustainable Future For All.

JCW supports the Governments ambitious target to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.

Becoming a net zero emissions energy business means that we are reducing emissions from our operations and from the fuel and other energy products we sell to our customers.

Current steps taken are:

New LED lighting being installed in all offices, warehouse and production areas

Sensored lighting

Hybrid cars being supplied for company cars

Eco boilers been installed in all kitchen areas

Less packaging on pallet deliveries

Use 90% renewable energy for electricity

Recycle all packaging, wood and timber

Use of recycled papers

We believe that the business strategies we plan to deliver in the UK can already reduce our own UK emissions and those of our UK customers by 40% by 2030 (in comparison to 2019) that will need to scale up post 2030 to help the UK Government meet the 6th Carbon Budget and achieve the UK’s target of net zero by 2050

JCW are also working closely with our suppliers who also have policies to meet these needs.



Timber is an organic, non-toxic and naturally renewable building material.

  • Although worldwide, deforestation remains a significant issue, it is not caused by European construction as mainly softwood is used.
  • Over 90% of all wood consumed in Europe is sourced from European forests. Timber frame uses 99% European softwood.
  • The more wood we use, the more our forests grow, because in Europe we are committed to planting more trees than we harvest.
  • Forests act as huge carbon sinks. The total carbon sequestered in Europe’s forests is over 9.5 million tonnes.
  • Mature trees, however, absorb far less carbon dioxide and produce less oxygen than those at earlier stages of growth. So the harvesting of older trees for construction purposes, and their replacement with saplings – two planted for every one harvested in Scandinavian forests – ensures a constant cycle of CO2 absorption and oxygen production.

Whole life performance

  1. Wood is effectively a carbon-neutral material (even allowing for transport).
  2. Timber frame has the lowest CO2 cost of any commercially available building material.
  3. For every cubic metre of wood used instead of other building materials, 0.8 tonnes of CO2 is saved from the atmosphere.
  4. Processing timber is not a gas-guzzling procedure either. 77% of the energy used in the production of wood products comes from wood residues and recovered wood.
  5. Converting timber into a useable building material takes far less energy and creates minimal pollution compared to other mainstream alternatives such as aluminium, steel, concrete and brick.
  6. Strength for strength, concrete uses 5 times (and steel uses 6 times) more energy to produce than timber.
  7. Waste and ‘end of life’ wood can be easily recycled.

But benefits don’t stop at the point of a homes completion on site. Using a standard 140mm stud timber frame system achieves U-values of 0.27 using readily available and standard insulation – and using higher performance insulation and insulation breather membranes can boost these figures down as low as 0.11. This means significant carbon savings in the homes day to day use, as well as financial benefits from lower running costs.

A timber frame home is a warm, comfortable and safe place in to live – what more could you ask from a home that is also helping you to reduce energy costs and your carbon footprint.