Acoustic Supplies

Sound Insulation

6 July 2012

Avoid A Possible Conviction When You Soundproof At Home

As the issue of noise has become a growing concern in the UK, so the punishments handed out by local authorities have become stricter and stricter. Anti-Social Behavioural Orders (ASBOs) are now given readily to persistent offenders, whilst others have had their possessions taken away from them and several have been issued with community service, or in some cases, sent to prison.

The UK population continues to grow at a rapid rate so it is understandable that the level of noise as a consequence has grown with it. The amount of cars, buses, motorbikes, taxis etc. has increased, as has air and rail travel.

To help accommodate these growing numbers of people, housing has also substantially increased so as you can imagine millions of people are living within very close proximity of one another….

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Soundproofing A Garage
19 June 2012

Soundproofing Done Properly At Acoustic Supplies

When customers purchase soundproofing from Acoustic Supplies we always reiterate the fact that they need to make sure that their chosen product is installed properly, as otherwise they could be running the risk of it having little or no effect. Just as important is the need to ensure that you pick the right product for the job….

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Noisy neighbours
12 June 2012

Tougher Measures Set To Be Employed Against Noisy Neighbours

The curse of the noisy neighbour has become a growing issue in the UK as the population continues to expand.
In order to try and tackle the problem, Home Secretary Theresa May has announced that police are to be given new powers to deal with anti-social behaviour, with fines of up to £2,500 issued to those found to be regularly causing noise-related problems….

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Soundproofing A Garage
10 May 2012

Expert Soundproofing Installation At Acoustic Supplies

Excess noise can literally drive you up the wall and leave you cursing those who live around you. A home is meant to be a quiet sanctuary you can turn to for the peace and quiet you need after you have a hard or stressful day at work, but this often fails to be the case. Rather than get into a row with your neighbours, why not instead invest in soundproofing….

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Evicted tenant
2 May 2012

Avoid The Boot – Use Acoustic Supplies

Noisy neighbours have unfortunately become prevalent throughout the country. There are very few neighbourhoods where you will find peace and harmony between homeowners, in many cases it will be the exact opposite. As a result, noise-related complaints are on the rise, with various local authorities left overwhelmed with complaints from neighbours….

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12 April 2012

Elderly Neighbour Given ASBO For Causing Excess Noise

Noisiness between neighbouring homes has become a growing problem in the UK. When you hear stories about noise-related disputes you automatically presume that the issue has been caused by people of a young age, however this is not necessarily the case!

An 87 year old woman in Hampshire has been handed with an ASBO (Anti-Social Behaviour Order) after being found guilty of causing severe disruption over the past 13 months. Georgina Sims was reported by her neighbours for playing loud music on her radio and banging her walking stick on the wall to try and drown out ringing in her ears caused by tinnitus. The ASBO was issued upon Mrs Sims as she and her family had previously been warned by the local authority….

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5 April 2012

Soundproof Your Home In Time For Festival Season

The festival season is almost upon us. Although there is no Glastonbury this year, the festival roster still includes the following: Download, V Festival, Reading and Leeds, Bestival and Kendal Calling, not to mention The Stone Roses long-awaited reformation at Heaton Park in Manchester.

For thousands of music revellers, for one, two or three days, it is the perfect opportunity to see and hear all their favourite bands in the great outdoors. For several thousand others, particularly those who live nearby, it could be a living nightmare unless they sound proof their property in time for the summer season….

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peace and quiet
13 March 2012

Enjoy Peaceful Weekends With Acoustic Supplies Soundproofing

We All Want To Enjoy Some Peace And Quiet On The Weekends After a busy week at work many of us will…

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Noise Control
10 March 2012

Be Considerate And Soundproof Your Home

Be Considerate & Don’t Become A Noisy Neighbour If you are thinking about moving in to a new house or flat then…

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Be cordial with neighbours
7 March 2012

Maintain A Cordial Relationship With Neighbours By Soundproofing

Cordial Relations With Neighbours Can Overcome Problems There are only a small number of people who can afford to live in their…

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Women distracted by noise
17 February 2012

Respect Your Neighbours By Soundproofing Where Required

Soundproof & respect Your Neighbours When you buy a home, own or rent a flat you have a responsibility to keep the…

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Soundproof housing to help the community
2 February 2012

Government Set To Tackle Noisy Neighbours

Government announces plan to tackle noisy neighbours As a result of a sharp increase in the number of people complaining about noisy…

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